Foreclosure Prevention Services


NOAH's Foreclosure Prevention Program has a focus on assisting consumers who are in imminent default and in danger of losing their homes. A main objective is to help homeowners understand their options and determine the best and most affordable solutions based on their own personal financial situations. Our HUD-approved counselors meet with clients one-on-one to develop an action plan based on individual needs, create budgets, work to obtain loan modifications whenever possible, contact lenders to advocate for homeowners, and more.  All programming is offered in English and Spanish and is free of charge.

Since our foreclosure prevention services began in 2007, NOAH has helped over 2,950 families with an 80% long-term positive resolution ratio. NOAH coordinates the bilingual North Shore Partnership Regional Foreclosure Education Center programming, and serves as the MA AGO LCAF for foreclosure prevention.

Navigating the complicated foreclosure process can be difficult, and those clients in most need of services are often discouraged by a perceived lack of resources or fear of being targeted by for-profit modification companies that could charge them excessive fees. NOAH offers free unbiased help.

Contact our Foreclosure Prevention Staff

If you have any questions about this form (or anything else), call NOAH's office at 617-567-5882, and we will be happy to help you.

Note: Never submit any private information in any of these forms (such as credit card information, social security numbers, etc.) because you can never be guaranteed security when using the internet. Nota: Nunca proporcione información privada en ninguno de estos formularios (como por ejemplo, información de tarjeta de crédito, números de seguro social, etc.) porque nunca se le puede garantizar seguridad cuando usa el internet. ¿Le gustaria recibir noticias e informes sobre NOAH?